Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Trip to the Specialist in Annapolis

Yesterday we went to the specialist in Annapolis. This was a branch office of the National Children's Hospital in D.C. It was great. We gave the Dr. a description of her 5 experiences with breathing illnesses. When I told her, Dr. Chaney, that she had RSV at 3 months old I noticed she made a face. After she wrote everything down I'd told her, she looked at her paper and then looked at us and said, "Kate has Asthma". Our pediatrician has been treating it as such but to hear a doctor confirm our suspicions was comforting. Its easier to accept something when you know what you are dealing with. After talking with her we feel better educated and comfortable with treating her. Maybe we can keep her out of the doctor's office and ER. They gave me a number I can call when I am having difficulties and they can help me determine if I need to take her to the Dr. or just administer treatment at home. Dr. Chaney gave us some more prescriptions for her current medications and an inhaler to use if we are away from home for the day and have an episode. One really relieving thing she told us is that as long as we keep an eye on the weather Kate can play outside without being hindered. Extreme cold, seasonal changes and hot muggy weather as well as colds could cause her to have an asthma attack. She told us that one of her meds can be used before she is exposed to such conditions as a preventive measure. So tonight before we go trick or treating I'll give her a treatment. One of her meds I can stop when she gets better and only use it as needed after that. The other low dose med I will be giving her 2 times a day for months maybe years. Dr. Chaney said that there was a good possibility that she will out grow this. We can hope and pray that is true. Her meds are extremely expensive, so we really hope she outgrows it sooner than later. We also all got flu shots yesterday. That is definitely not something Kate needs to get. We that is all I know for now.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wow that was fast!

Today while the kids were napping I actually remembered to call and make an appointment with a specialist for Kate. Her pediatrician had given me a list of 7 different specialists about 9 days ago and I just now called. I called the first number on the list and due to a cancellation I have an appointment tomorrow 10/30 at 2pm with a Pulmunologist in Annapolis (only 1 1/2 hours away) Thanks for all the prayers. It was miraculous how easy it was. It was totally a God thing. We have a 9 am appointment with her pediatrician tomorrow too! Pray for patience in the waiting room!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Kate's Health Update

As many of you already know Kate had an asthmatic episode about 2 weeks ago where she was having difficulty breathing and spent the night at the hospital for observation. She has been on 2 breathing treatment meds since then. She has a follow up appointment on Thursday. I need to start calling to make an appointment for her with a specialist. Since this seems to be an on going issue for her I want to get as much information as I can. I'm thankful God gave her such a spunky personality, I think it will benefit her while dealing with this.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

On Saturday we went to T&A Farm's Pumpkin Patch in Dameron, MD. We had a great time together as a family.

The Maryland Zoo of Baltimore

We went to the Zoo on Oct. 1st. It was FREE that day! The girls were good and had a great time. We had a 2 vehicle caravan with moms and kids we know.