Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maryland's 375th Birthday

Today the girls and I went on an adventure to St. Clement's Island. Our friend Holly and her two kids met us there. Yesterday I saw that there was going to be a 375th birthday thing at St. Clement's. Since I had never been there I thought why not. Holly and I were one of only three moms brave enough to bring children to a ceremony. It was very nice but 10 minutes into the hour long ceremony we took the kids for a walk. After it was over we thought why not stay for refreshments...I was blocked in at the parking lot anyway. Holly and her kids left so we hung around to see if the line got low enough to see the cake again. since we really couldn't leave yet. I warned Anna that we were not to expect cake (especially since it was a Charm City Cake) Once we got in there we ended up leaving with a piece to share. We got a piece with the 7 on it. Anna insisted on eating it. When there wasn't much left we decided that we should save a little for Daddy. The girls had a great time running around with there friends. They both fell asleep on the way home. For those of you that wonder what the Ace of Cakes' cake tastes like.... It is very yummy. The icing was divine. We had Pumpkin cake.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Birthday Chaos

MY parents have better pics on there camera so there will be more to come. But here are some images from the fun of Anna's 4th Birthday Party

Playing Night Night

One of Anna's dreams has now become reality. Kate will now play with Anna. I know they play together at the same time already, but this is different. Anna has always liked playing with blankets and baby dolls, laying them down to go night, night. Well, Kate will now play with her, taking the roll of the baby.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day March 2009

These are photos taken on March 2nd. We began getting snow Sunday night and when we woke up on Monday we had over 10 inches. Right after Breakfast we went out and played.

Valentine's Festivities

These are some random Pics of Valentines related events. The girls and I had a picnic outside when it was a warm 54 degrees outside. Other photos are of Anna and her friend Ayden having Valentine's pizza. Enjoy

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Anna is really getting into letters and the way words are spelled and which words rhyme. She is especially concerned with what letter a word begins with. Keeping that in mind she has this idea that most words begin with the letter "B". Here are some words that she has decided must start with a B. It is also important to note that when pronouncing these words that the "B" or "bee" sound is stressed.
dessert = "bee"ssert
hilarious = "bee" larious
banana = "bee"nana
pajama = "bee"jama

Just to name a few! I don't want to correct her too much, because she's learning. I would hate to crush her little imagination. She will figure it out over time I'm sure.