Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Living Room Campout

Last night we camped out in the living room. Anna and I had planned to do this for weeks. We had a tent, books form the library about camping, flashlights, sleeping bags and most importantly camp food. We made Trail mix, s'mores, pigs in a blanket with little smokies and the crowd favorite, cheese logs. We wrapped string cheese in can biscuit dough and baked. Amazing! We watched the camp out episode of Nihao Kai-lan. It was a great time. Anna passed out on the couch with me but Kate was running around like she was a nocturnal animal. I finally had to put her to bed at 10:45ish. Next time, the campout will only be for Anna and I. I'm gonna give Kate another year.

Pedicures and Mike's Birthday

We all got at home pedicures by me. Each person got a goblet of M & M's and a cold beverage during the spa treatment. As well as soothing eyes treatments and aromatherapy. Anna really got into it. Next to tea parties a pedicure is her 2nd favorite thing. We celebrated Mike's Birthday two days early since he would be out of town at Church camp on his birthday. Anna and I made a homemade carrot cake with Cream cheese icing. It was really good.

just hanging out around the house

We have a lot of fun just hanging out around the house. It doesn't take much to entertain the girls.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Visit with Nana

Mike's mom came and watched the kids while Mike and I went to our triathlon. Here are some pics of the fun we had. Most of the pics show Nana and I having a hard time getting the kids hair blow dried.

Strawberry Patch

We went to the Strawberry Patch the last day it was open. Sad Day but we got to see Skittles the rabbit.

Life size Barbie Doll

The following pics show the random fun things we have done the last part of May and early June.

The new passenger in our van.

Our Neighbor gave us the lifesize Barbie and we have had a lot of fun with it.