Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chipman Baby #3

Today we went for our 20 week ultrasound. It's another Girl! So it will be very easy to prepare for this new baby. I just need to wash clothes and buy a new crib mattress, since Kate moved with hers into a toddler bed. That is it, and I'm done. Kinda nice not to have to find a place for non pink princess stuff. Below are some photos fo Kate's new bed and a glimpse of the newest member of the circus.

A work in progress. Anna and I are making a doll house for her polly pocket sized dolls out of a cardboard box.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Videos of class

Kate's Jump Bunch class

Kate is really enjoying her jump bunch class and I am really enjoying having that time alone with her. Mike watches Anna so that Kate and I can go by our selves. Jump Bunch is a P.E. class for preschoolers. Kate is actually in Jump Bunch Tots which just means that is is less structured and allows more free play time. Kate's favorite part is when Coach Reggie blows bubbles at the end of each class. She squeals loudly and says "bubbles" in her little two year old voice. Here are some pictures and videos of her fun time at class.