Wednesday, November 18, 2009

dress up

These pics show my girls' love of dress -up time

My big girl at the park

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall Fun

Here are some picture4s taken in the last 3 weeks. Chronologically they are from newest to oldest. The girls and I went with a group to Forrest Hall Farm Nov. 1st 2009

Anna and Kate at Forrest Hall Farm

pretending to ride the covered wagon

Getting ready for her first hayride
Anna excited about her first hayride
Anna and Kate in the Corn box house. Its like a sand box but with corn it it instead. Here Anna is about to pour corn on her sister's head. Notice how Kate is smiling in anticipation.
Getting ready to go Trick or Treating with some nieghborhood kids.
Anna's serious painting face. She spent 45 painting her two pumpkins
Kate played more with her paint than anything but it kept her busy for 30 minutes.

Yes ,Kate is playing in a ditch. Technically it is part of a protected waterway that eventually drains into the river. But really it only has water in it when it rains, so its a ditch. But doesn't it look like a nice little woodland stream?

The girls and I at Annemarie Garden.

Playing Checkers at Forrest Hill Farm. I have bought some of the best apples I've ever eaten here. So delicious. They also sell pies and homemade pumkin and apple doughnuts. So you see we have had to make several trips to visit.

The girls and I met some friends at Annemarie Garden fro Halloween at the Garden. Its basically trick or treating at different booths throughout the walking path. It nicely decorated and you don't have to worry about cars. There is a $1 admission fee that goes to a local food pantry. It is now a yearly tradition for us. Anna went at a bride or in her words a "Weddin' Girl". Kate was Little Red Riding Hood. Kate was so Big and walked the whole time. She was so exhausted she didn't make it home before falling asleep.

Anna and her buddy Ayden
The Girls and I before heading out to the Graden.