Monday, March 24, 2008

Anna's #3 and Easter

We loving our new home and our new church. We have bonded with the people quicker than we could have hoped for and the Lord has been gracious is helping us to overcome some of our own insecurities and reach out to others.
Anna had a great third birthday party. We invited kids of parents that Emily had met at the Bible study, as well as our neighbors little boy. I made her a Wonder Pets cake and we simply had a great time. They all had their tricyles/hot wheels/whatever and rode circles around in the old sanctuary at the church. Anna was exhauster afterwards, but she had such a good time. She gets so worked up over the details of things. She is alot like her daddy on that one. Kate spent most of the party asleep in the car seat, oblivious to the constant bumping of scooters and running children.
We had a good visit from Emily's parents and Easter went well. I preached for the first time on Maundy Thursday. All in all I was pleased with it - especially for the first time at a new church. I have preached at several different churches, but there is something to the fact that you know that you aren't just the visiting preacher have to stay around. :) I posted the audio on my personal blog for friends and family who are interested.

Here are a few pictures of the girls:

Isn't she wonderful?

My sleepy-head girls in their Easter dresses.

Anna and her Wonder Pets cake.

Anna with a LARGE piece of cake.
Let us know how you are doing.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Are you settled?

Two weeks ago, we moved over 900 miles to California, MD. The boxes are now unpacked and all of our things are beginning to find a home. there is still plenty of things that need to be sorted through ,donated, recycled or tossed. But, overall its livable and comfortable.

The question has been posed to us form several people, "Are you settled in yet"? I kindly respond, "Getting there". I have had some time to think today about what being "settled" means. Physically here with all my stuff and my family is here with so I am settled in that area. But it hit me today that emotionally getting settled will take a bit longer.

Its a reality I've known was coming for several months now, but it hit me today that I'm now on a different place on the map. I'm in unfamiliar territory with nice friendly, but unfamiliar people. They have been overwhelmingly generous, helpful and kind. I know I will love it here. So am I settled? Give me 6 months to a year and then I'll say yes.

Not like I left a ton of friends. I only left the familiar. I know in time this will be familiar too filled with familiar people and places.