Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Are you settled?

Two weeks ago, we moved over 900 miles to California, MD. The boxes are now unpacked and all of our things are beginning to find a home. there is still plenty of things that need to be sorted through ,donated, recycled or tossed. But, overall its livable and comfortable.

The question has been posed to us form several people, "Are you settled in yet"? I kindly respond, "Getting there". I have had some time to think today about what being "settled" means. Physically here with all my stuff and my family is here with so I am settled in that area. But it hit me today that emotionally getting settled will take a bit longer.

Its a reality I've known was coming for several months now, but it hit me today that I'm now on a different place on the map. I'm in unfamiliar territory with nice friendly, but unfamiliar people. They have been overwhelmingly generous, helpful and kind. I know I will love it here. So am I settled? Give me 6 months to a year and then I'll say yes.

Not like I left a ton of friends. I only left the familiar. I know in time this will be familiar too filled with familiar people and places.

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