Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Card

Anna's representation of Kate and her's room.

Kate my wild haired girl
My Anna
My first attempt at a Bathrobe. I one for the girls for Christmas this year.
Taken 11-27-09 Me at 25 weeks pregnant with Girl #3
Anna Decorating the tree
Kate decorating the back door.
The decorations so far. Ignore the laundry Baskets in the background : )
Kate must think our Fabric Nativity is an ornament
My first attempt at a Fabric Advent Calendar.

I have decided not to send out Christmas Cards this year. I'll post some Christmas pictures here and on Face book instead. I may even email some out. But it is just not happening this year. Here are some pictures I could have used... : )
Kate decorating the tree
Both my girls

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