Saturday, December 27, 2008

Anna's New Hair Cut

Mike and I are not picky about our children's appearance, but there are two goals we have had with her hair. 1. Keep it long and 2. no bangs. Well yesterday, Dec.26th, while Mike and I were enjoying a little Wii golf, Anna was working at her new art desk in the dining room. We had her all set up so we could play while Kate was asleep. At about the 7th hole,she walks into the living room with a very pleased look on her face. "Look at my Hair" she announced proudly. She had cut her hair at various places in different lengths. We weren't pleased at all, and she was greatly disappointed at our reaction. At that point she was embarrassed and wore her hood all the way into the hair dressers. As you can tell from the pics they had to cut some length off to blend. It looks like a teenager haircut with all the layers and blending. I like it though. Lesson learned...Anna is still too young for even the safety scissors.


After her hair cut

After the professional cut

Random Kate Fun

Kate has a lot of fun no matter what she is doing.

Packing peanuts disaster

Here is what happens when you open a big box of Christmas presents that is 3/4 full of peanuts, all the while forgetting how hard they are to clean up!

Pre christmas photos

Here are some photos from before Christmas. Some are from our trip to a local horse farm that decorates big time for Christmas. Others are from Anna and Ayden's (neighbors little boy) Reindeer cookie party.

Chipman Family Christmas

We had such a great time at Christmas this year. This was the first year we did not travel anywhere. It was different not seeing family and friends, but oh it was nice not packing and driving hundreds of miles. We cooked a huge meal Christmas Eve. That evening we went to our church's Christmas Eve service. We took our children bathed and in their p.j.s so all we had to do was put them in bed. They went to bed almost 2 hours late which meant they woke up early (5:15 a.m.) as well. Its weird how it works like that. We had a great time watching the kids play with all the toys. We especially enjoyed the naps we all had later. For Christmas this year we got a Wii from Mike's parents and we have really enjoyed it. I've played so much my hand hurts. It has been one of the best Christmases ever.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I love you and good news

Every night when we put the girls down to bed we tell them, "I Love You". This week Kate attempted to mimic the sounds back to us. Had she not immediately repeated the phrase we might not have known what she was saying. To her credit the inflection was correct even if the exact sounds were not. Yesterday, while Mike was laying in the floor, Kate crept up to him, gave him a kiss, and said in her little way " I love you" (though not that clear). It was so precious and out of the blue. How sweet.
On another happy note. Pulmicort, Kate's expensive asthma medicine, has now gone generic! Praise GOD! I told the lady at the pharmacy that was the best news ever,because that means we no longer have to pay a co-pay on it. What an answer to prayer. I was so glad it happened now instead of years from now. I think for most meds it 5 years or so before it can maybe go generic. What kind of great timing is that! Love ya'll. Merry Christmas, Emily

Friday, December 5, 2008

Say Cheese

Kate has started posing and smiling for the camera the last couple of weeks. She is such a ham. I hope she stays that way. I have a hard time getting a picture of Anna looking normal. She likes to stick her tongue out or make a weird face. Enjoy the grins!

The Jump Bunch

Anna attended a Physical Education class for eight weeks called Jump Bunch. It was only once a week, but as you can tell she thoroughly enjoyed herself. We have signed her up for the winter session coming up in January. At the end of the session. The students get a certificate, a bracelet and a Jump bunch temporary tatoo. Anna has been wearing hers for over a week. I haven't the heart to rub it off!