Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chipman Family Christmas

We had such a great time at Christmas this year. This was the first year we did not travel anywhere. It was different not seeing family and friends, but oh it was nice not packing and driving hundreds of miles. We cooked a huge meal Christmas Eve. That evening we went to our church's Christmas Eve service. We took our children bathed and in their p.j.s so all we had to do was put them in bed. They went to bed almost 2 hours late which meant they woke up early (5:15 a.m.) as well. Its weird how it works like that. We had a great time watching the kids play with all the toys. We especially enjoyed the naps we all had later. For Christmas this year we got a Wii from Mike's parents and we have really enjoyed it. I've played so much my hand hurts. It has been one of the best Christmases ever.

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