Monday, December 22, 2008

I love you and good news

Every night when we put the girls down to bed we tell them, "I Love You". This week Kate attempted to mimic the sounds back to us. Had she not immediately repeated the phrase we might not have known what she was saying. To her credit the inflection was correct even if the exact sounds were not. Yesterday, while Mike was laying in the floor, Kate crept up to him, gave him a kiss, and said in her little way " I love you" (though not that clear). It was so precious and out of the blue. How sweet.
On another happy note. Pulmicort, Kate's expensive asthma medicine, has now gone generic! Praise GOD! I told the lady at the pharmacy that was the best news ever,because that means we no longer have to pay a co-pay on it. What an answer to prayer. I was so glad it happened now instead of years from now. I think for most meds it 5 years or so before it can maybe go generic. What kind of great timing is that! Love ya'll. Merry Christmas, Emily

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