Friday, July 30, 2010

Almost 5 months later

Wow, its been a long time since I've updated my blog. The girls are great. we've been busy having fun. We visited family for 2 weeks in June. We've played at many parks and swam in many pools.
Ginny is growing like a weed and is a very pleasant baby. She has 2 teeth emerging and maybe 2 more coming soon. She won't be 5 months old until August 6th and she already have more teeth than her 13month old cousin. Sorry Emma, I wish we could give you some of Ginny's teeth! She rolls all over the place and loves to laugh at her sisters. She loves to play with burp cloths. She has been experimenting with rice cereal lately and seems to like it.
Anna will be starting kindergarten August 25th. Its hard to believe she is already school aged. She is excited. I'm excited for her, but I'm also sad. I will cry that day. My life will change in a big way and it will never be the same from here on out. But, that's a good thing.
Kate is almost 3 and talks up a storm. She has a can do attitude about most things (this often gets her in trouble). She loves her big sister and doesn't quite understand that she doesn't get to go to school too. She will be sadder than me on the first day of school. I'm looking forward to having more quality alone time with her. We've never had that and it will be good, no great!

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