Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Baking through the Month Of Januarty

I know its been almost 3 years since the last post.  Slacker I know.  For today I'm gonna start with baking. I love baking. I really like baking bread. Baking bread is very satisfying and is so very easy. With very few ingredients and a little time you can save money and eat the best bread you've ever tasted.  Unlike store bought bread you don't get preservative so it won't last as long. Homemade bread doesn't last long around here so its not an issue.  Today I'm baking regular and cinnamon bread.  They come from the same recipe one just has been rolled up with cinnamon and sugar in the middle. I got my recipes from Living on a Dime's downloadable E-book.  I'm pretty sure you can find it on Amazon or through their website
and a very affordable price.  During a promotion I got mine for FREE.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Almost 5 months later

Wow, its been a long time since I've updated my blog. The girls are great. we've been busy having fun. We visited family for 2 weeks in June. We've played at many parks and swam in many pools.
Ginny is growing like a weed and is a very pleasant baby. She has 2 teeth emerging and maybe 2 more coming soon. She won't be 5 months old until August 6th and she already have more teeth than her 13month old cousin. Sorry Emma, I wish we could give you some of Ginny's teeth! She rolls all over the place and loves to laugh at her sisters. She loves to play with burp cloths. She has been experimenting with rice cereal lately and seems to like it.
Anna will be starting kindergarten August 25th. Its hard to believe she is already school aged. She is excited. I'm excited for her, but I'm also sad. I will cry that day. My life will change in a big way and it will never be the same from here on out. But, that's a good thing.
Kate is almost 3 and talks up a storm. She has a can do attitude about most things (this often gets her in trouble). She loves her big sister and doesn't quite understand that she doesn't get to go to school too. She will be sadder than me on the first day of school. I'm looking forward to having more quality alone time with her. We've never had that and it will be good, no great!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ginny Brooke Chipman

Ginny Brooke Chipman was born at 2:36 AM on March 6. She weighed 7lb 13oz and was 20.5 inches. Emily is doing fantastic as is my new little angel.

She has almost as much hair as Kate had, but it is the same color as Anna's was at birth. She is quite substantial already; she's a very compact kid though she's pretty long too. (2 inches longer than the other girls) She has already taken to feeding very well. It helps that Emily is an old pro. Right now Ginny is sleeping off her very active morning.

We'll have pictures later. There are some already posted on my Facebook account. Thank you all for your prayers and support of our family.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Newest Ultrasound PIctures

In this picture she has her mouth open, trying to stick her tongue out.
Looks like she's sucking her thumb?!

Here are some of the pictures they were able to get this morning. They had a hard time getting her without her hands in her face. I think we have another thumb sucker in our midst. Hopefully I'm wrong. : )

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Curly Hair for Church

The girls wanted to have curls for church on Sunday, so I put sponge rollers in their hair. I was not expecting them to stay in their hair all night. Kate managed to keep all of hers in and Anna took out some during the night. Beauty is painful sometimes.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Card

Anna's representation of Kate and her's room.

Kate my wild haired girl
My Anna
My first attempt at a Bathrobe. I one for the girls for Christmas this year.
Taken 11-27-09 Me at 25 weeks pregnant with Girl #3
Anna Decorating the tree
Kate decorating the back door.
The decorations so far. Ignore the laundry Baskets in the background : )
Kate must think our Fabric Nativity is an ornament
My first attempt at a Fabric Advent Calendar.

I have decided not to send out Christmas Cards this year. I'll post some Christmas pictures here and on Face book instead. I may even email some out. But it is just not happening this year. Here are some pictures I could have used... : )
Kate decorating the tree
Both my girls

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

dress up

These pics show my girls' love of dress -up time

My big girl at the park