Friday, April 11, 2008

Comic Relief

Here is a list of only some of the things that Anna has said or done in the last week or so. Hopefully this list will provide you with some comic relief as it has done so for us.

  • After her second "accident" of the day Anna removes her panties and says to herself, "No more panties for me!"
  • Anna has invented several variations of common words and even a new word. A lollipop is now a lollapop, a teddy bear has become a teddabear (yes thats one word). And a paper towel is a nakin towel.
  • We have been teaching her please, thank you etc. for the last year. She pretty good at it but she shows her personal flair when she says, (Thank you so much)
  • After Mike lost his wallet and I washed my cell phone in the washing machine and tried to console us saying"Its alright, Daddy(Momma) we go get you a new one at Wal-mart, then you'll feel better. Eat pizza you'll feel better"
  • She likes to sing all the time here is a sample of her latest work
    • Cinerella (Cinderella) repeated in a dreamy voice.
    • Sweet Treats, Sweet Treats, is what I like to eat. Sweat treat,Sweet Treat I like ice cream. (Sung while waiting at the drive thru at
      Bruster's Ice cream )
    • Instead of singing, "Who did, Who did, Who did,who did, Who did swallow Jo, jo, Jonah" She sings, " Pooted, Pooted, pooted pooted", etc.
  • Some quotes by Anna
    • "I run really fast in Target!"
    • "You can't spank me Mommy."
    • "I'm afraid of the snakes and cows under my bed"
    • "The sweet potato says I yam what I yam" repeated from a Leap Frog Book.
    • While reading BROWN BEAR, BROWN BEAR WHAT DO YOU SEE. Upon seeing the white dog she says, "Daddy, don't shoot the dog, OK"
    • While playing barefoot outside with Ayden who lives next door, " I don't have feet, I can't play in the mud."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so silly, reading those quotes reaminds me of when Anna got on top of Mary Beth in the nersery and Anna WOULDNT get up, and Mary Beth COULDNT get up!!!!hahahaha