Friday, April 25, 2008

Kate's Mood Ring Effect Hair

As we are all aware Kate's hair is ridiculous. It makes her look like a extra small toddler and not a baby. Her hair is most always crazy but the nuances seem to reflect her many emotions, much like a mood ring. If you've had any experience with a mood ring it tends to stay on one color 98% of the time. Kate's hair does a similar thing as the following pics will demonstrate. All demonstrations of similar emotions. It is important to note that Kate's hair is not styled in any of these photos.

Exhibit A
The fright wig

Exhibit B
Laying flat, a rarity

At Christmas- A who ville child
Exhibit D
The class clown
Exhibit E
Partial Bufonte hairdo

And lastly
Exhibit F
Utter ridiculousness

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks just like kate, she is so crazy, i bet she is just as crazy as anna, and maybe even more.