Friday, April 11, 2008

What Kate can do!

Because Anna can talk its real easy to write about her. So to include Kate here is a list of some things Kate has done recently.

  1. Walk all over the place in her walker, including following me into the laundry room and trapping me behind the door.
  2. While in the walker she can take all the kiddie Magnets off the fridge and chew on them, pull the little red chair over. She peeled the manufacuturer's label off the bottom of a little fold up table I keep in the kitchen.
  3. While I'm carrying her she thinks it is hysterical when Anna walks behind us.
  4. Loves to be tickled.
  5. Pulls Anna's hair
  6. Laughs when Anna is crying because she got in trouble.
  7. She now has 2 bottom teeth and with her hair we call her "goofy tooth"

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